

Following general instructions and procedures for REAP-2021 are circulated by virtue of powers entrusted through letter No. 20(1) T.E./2011 Part-II Jaipur dated 31 Jan, 2021 of Technical Education Department, Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur


The candidates are advised to carefully establish their eligibility before applying for B.E. / B.Tech. courses through REAP-2021. The candidate would be solely responsible for the consequences or any damage/loss/harm which occur due to wrong or erroneous facts/data/information given by the candidate.


The fee for REAP-2021 Application cum Registration is Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two Hundred fifty only) to be paid online through REAP-2021 web portal. This amount deposited for REAP-2021 is neither refundable nor transferable nor adjustable.


2.1 REAP-2021 application form is to be submitted online on the web portal. The candidate must carefully fill all the details as required in the online application cum registration form.

2.2 For B.E. / B.Tech. courses the duration of submission of the online application form will be from 30/07/2021 to 21/08/2021. However the last date for depositing the fees (Application cum Registration Fee) through REAP web portal will be 20/08/2021. For details of schedule of activities visit REAP portal (

2.3 For B.Arch. course duration of submission of the online application form for will be from 21/09/2021 to 5/10/2021. However the last date for depositing the fees (Application cum Registration Fee) through REAP web portal will be 3/10/2021. For details of schedule of activities visit REAP portal (

2.4 There would be three main rounds of the counseling in REAP-2021 except management quota admission.

  • In the first round, candidates from out of Rajasthan state and candidates belongs to Ex Serviceman, PwD and KM category will be given allotment of seats based on merit list.

  • In the second round (Upward Movement) for Candidates of first round (candidates from out of Rajasthan, Ex Serviceman, PwD and KM category) [(a) Who had their choice exhausted in the first round of allotment OR (b) those who had reported in the allotted institute and opted for Upward movement through REAP-2021 web portal] would be given Upward movement allotment and Candidates from the Rajasthan state (having Rajasthan Domicile) would be given allotment of seats based on merit list.

  • In the third round (Upward Movement), Candidates from the state of Rajasthan [(a) Who had their choice exhausted in the second round of allotment OR (b) those who had reported in the allotted institute and opted for Upward movement through REAP-2021 web portal] would be given Upward movement allotment.

The candidates who do not report in the allotted institute after allotment of seat are not eligible for “Upward movement”.

2.5 Candidates are advised to fix their mobile number and email ID before applying in REAP-2021. All the registration and login process for students are OTP based, which will be sent on your registered mobile number and email ID. Candidates should not change their mobile number and email ID during the process of counseling/admission in REAP-2021 as all the communication would be made by the REAP- 2020 office on the registered mobile number and email ID only. No postal communication would be done. Candidates are advised not to disclose their login id and password of REAP-2021 web portal to anybody. REAP-2020 will not be responsible for any loss or damage or harm caused due to candidate disclosing his/her login ID/ password to any other person/ institute/ agency/ society by either ignorance or negligence.

2.6 Eligibility for Admission:

2.6.1 Eligibility criterion for admission in first year of B.E. / B.Tech.:

    • The minimum academic qualification for admission in B.E. /B.Tech. program in Rajasthan is – Passed with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to “SC/ST/Non creamy layer OBC/ Non creamy layer MBC and PwD category” of Rajasthan State) in the final examination of class 12th (10+2) of Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (RBSE) or Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) or any other examination recognized and equivalent thereto by Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan/Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).


  • Passed Diploma in Engineering and Technology examination from Institutions and Boards, recognized by Central or State Government / Universities with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to “SC/ST/Non creamy layer OBC/ Non creamy layer MBC and PwD category” of Rajasthan State) subjected to vacancies in the First Year, in case the vacancies at lateral entry are exhausted.

  • Subject combination required in the qualifying examination for admission to B.E. / B.Tech. course shall be as under:

    Compulsory Subjects in class 12th Science (Class XII) or equivalent

    Any one of the Optional Subjects class 12th Science (Class XII) or equivalent

    Mathematics & Physics

    (1) Chemistry (2) Biotechnology (3) Technical Vocational subject/ Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Informatics Practices/ Agriculture/ Engineering Graphics/ Business Studies. (4) Biology


    Passed Diploma in Engineering & Technology

2.7 Priority of admission:

If the candidates having equal scaled percentage/ percentile in class 12th Science, the merit of such candidates shall be decided in the order mentioned under:

  • Resolving by marks obtained in Mathematics in class 12th Science, candidate having higher marks percentage will be given priority.

  • Resolving by marks obtained in physics in class 12th Science, candidate having higher marks percentage will be given higher (better) rank.

  • Resolving by Date of Birth of candidate, candidate having older Date of Birth will be given higher (better) rank.

  • Resolving by Form number (Lower Form number will be given priority/better rank i.e. First applied first served).

2.7.1 Priorities of Admission for B.E./B.Tech. courses:

Candidate is required to register through REAP-2021 web portal. Eligible candidate may register on the basis of class 12th Science or Diploma approved by state govt. in Engineering & Technology. However, Scaled Percentage/Percentile of class 12th Science would be given higher priority in comparison to percentage of Diploma in Engineering & Technology approved by state government and AICTE in preparing the combined merit list during all the stages of counseling in REAP-2021 as listed below.

S.No Basis of admissions Priority


Scaled Percentage/Percentile of class 12th Science



Percentage of Diploma in Engineering & Technology approved by state government


If the candidates having equal obtained marks/ percentage in Diploma in Engineering & Technology approved by state government and AICTE, the merit of such candidates shall be decided in the order mentioned under:

  • Resolving by Date of Birth of candidate, candidate having older Date of Birth will be given higher (better) rank.

  • Resolving by Form number ( Lower Form number will be given priority/better rank i.e. First applied first served).

2.8 Admission in B.E./B.Tech. and B.Arch. courses under out of state quota:-

Candidates who belong to any State other than Rajasthan shall be considered for admission in first year of B.E./B.Tech. and B.Arch. courses. 15% seats of approved intake (For private engineering institutions and self-financed category in the Autonomous Engineering Colleges of Govt. of Rajasthan as mentioned in SEAT MATRIX are available for such candidates).

  • If seats remain vacant (Unfilled) after completion of admission in this round (including upward movement of eligible candidates) the vacant seats will be merged in open category for Rajasthan state candidates in next rounds.

  • Admission against 15% of total intake in management seats in private colleges will be completed latest by 15th September, 2021 and 15th October, 2021 by institutes strictly as per eligibility mentioned above for B.E./B.Tech. and B.Arch. respectively and as per guidelines issued by Govt. of Rajasthan and Convenor REAP 2020 in this regard. Application fee will be charged Rs 250/- (Rupees Two hundred fifty Only) per candidate by concerned college / university and collected fee have to be deposited to REAP-2020 office before the last date of admission notified in schedule of activities.

2.9 Submission of Application cum Registration Form Fees:

Cost of REAP-2021 online Application cum Registration form is Rs 250/- (Rupees Two hundred fifty only). Candidates can pay the Application cum Registration fee for REAP-2021 online through REAP-2021 web portal (By mode of Net banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card).

Candidates can avail all payment facilities provided Bill Desk. This amount is neither refundable nor transferable nor adjustable in future. The online application form will automatically become active for a candidate after successfully payment of requisite Fee. The transactional charges for making the online payment shall be borne by the candidate. The information about the transactional charges will be visible to the candidate when he/she makes the online payment.

The candidate must note down the transaction number and keep it safely with him/her. The transaction number is required in case of transaction failure. Generally it takes about 24 hour to sort out the matters related to transaction failure. REAP-2021 will be able to sort out the matters related to transaction failure only if the amount is deposited /credited to the partner gateway agency.

2.10 Candidate is requiredto upload his/her recent passport size color photograph and signature as per the facility provided on the web portal of the online application form. Ensure that the file size of photograph should not exceed 100 KB (maximum) in the JPG File format and the file size of Signature should not exceed 50 KB (maximum) in the JPG File format. Candidate has to upload other mandatory documents as per format and size displayed in the application form. Uploaded photograph and signature should be clear and Documents should be legible.

2.11 Candidate may Savethe data in the application form and Update it later (till the last date of submission mentioned in the schedule of activities on REAP-2021 portal).

2.12 The candidates will have to fill marksobtained in class 12th Science or equivalent examination or Diploma in Engineering & Technology approved by state government and AICTE. After successfully submission of application form it will automatically redirected to the College Choice Form for entering the required choices of institutes and branches through REAP- 2021 web portal.

2.13 College Choices filled and savedby the candidate will automatically Lock/Submit on the last date of Application cum Registration Form as notified in schedule of activities on REAP-2021 portal.

2.14 The REAP-2021 will not be responsiblefor any consequence arising out of non-acceptance of any correction/addition/deletion of any data of the application form and / or college choice form after clicking the “Submit and / or Lock” button.

2.15 There is no need to sendthe hardcopy of the Application form to REAP-2021 office.

3. AGE:

There is no age limit for admission in B.E./B.Tech. or B. Arch. Courses for candidates.


A candidate desirous of admission to Engineering Colleges will have to deposit the Medical Fitness Certificate at the time of reporting in the allotted institution on the prescribed form certified by a Medical Officer of the Government of Rajasthan as per medical standards laid down


The domicile status of Rajasthan of any candidate will be ascertained as per any one of the following criteria.

Domicile Category A: The candidate himself / herself or any of his / her natural parents (father / mother) is a bonafide resident of Rajasthan.


Domicile Category – B : Candidate has studied continuously as a regular student in recognized educational institutions in Rajasthan for the preceding three years up to and including the year in which he/she has passed / appearing the qualifying examination (i.e. X, XI and XII classes).


Domicile Category – C : Candidate is a son/daughter of either a serving employee or of a retired employee of any of the following

(i) Government of Rajasthan (including officers of All India Service borne on the State cadre of Rajasthan).

(ii) Undertakings/ Corporations/ Improvement Trusts/ Municipal Boards/Panchayat Samities / Co-operative Bodies duly constituted by the Government of Rajasthan.

(iii) Statutory Bodies and Corporations formed under the Indian Companies Act incorporated in Rajasthan.


    • Candidate is a son/daughter of an employee of any of the Government Universities in Rajasthan or Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan or Government Engineering Colleges of Rajasthan who has put in at least three years service on the date of submission of application in any of the above bodies


    • Candidate is a son/daughter of an employee of Central Government or Institutions of the Central Government including Public Sector Undertakings or Corporations and who is on the regular rolls and is serving in the State of Rajasthan on the date of application.


  • Candidate is a son/daughter of an employee of Rajasthan origin, serving in Defence / Central Government services/Public Sector undertakings/National Institutes of Government of India, who has put in at least three years service on the last date for submission of application irrespective of his/her place of posting provided a certificate is submitted by the employee from the employer to this effect stating the State of origin and the home town as given by him/her at the time of his/her entry into service. Condition is waved off to enable them to participate in the admission process in general quota.


As prescribed by the Government of Rajasthan (except in case of Private Institutions and 50% seats in the self finance course of the Govt. institutions) the reservation of seats will be made subject to the prevalent statutory provisions of the State of Rajasthan i.e. 16% for SC candidates, 12% for ST candidates, 21% for candidates belonging to non-creamy layer* OBC category, 10% for Economical weaker section (EWS) candidates1 and 5% for candidates belonging to non-creamy layer MBC category as per the state government order.

Supernumerary seat KM (For B.E./B.Tech./B. Arch. courses) :-

As per the Order/File No 3-4/2017-NER of MHRD dated 15/10/2019 additional 5% of intake capacity per Course/ branch (over and above sanctioned seats) will be reserved for Kashmiri Pandits/Kashmiri Hindu Families (Non migrants) and for Kashmiri migrants. Requirement of Domicile Certificate is waived off for Kashmiri migrants only but Kashmiri Pandits /Kashmiri Hindu Families (Non migrants) living in Kashmiri Valley need to produce Domicile Certificate.

Supernumerary seat TFWS (Only for B.E./B.Tech. courses) :-

In addition to these 5% of total intake capacity over and above the sanctioned strength in each of the institution will be reserved for TFWS (Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme). These Supernumerary seats shall be available only to such courses in an institution, where a minimum of 30% of approved intake are filled. The reservations of supernumerary seats are subjected to fulfillment of the conditions laid by the AICTE for the session 2021-22. EWS Category:- In addition to above reservation, maximum 10% of sanctioned intake per course shall be available for Economical weaker section (EWS). These EWS seats shall be supernumerary in nature.


The applications for REAP-2021 will be accepted online only. The process of online submission of application and college choice form for REAP-2021 shall be carried out through REAP-2021 portal only on the

Commencement date and last date for filling online application cum registration form for B.E./B.Tech.

Activity Date of Commencement

Date of commencement for filling of the online application cum registration form


Last Date of depositing the application cum registration fee of Rs. 250/- online through REAP-2021 web portal


Last date for submitting of the online Application cum registration form and college choice form on REAP-2021 web portal


A. Application cum registration fees for REAP-2021 (B.E./B.Tech.):

There will be uniform fee of Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two Hundred fifty only) against application cum registration fees for each admission modes (REAP-2021 Counseling/Management Quota admissions) A candidate has to apply and pay fee separately for B.E./B.Tech courses.

B. Mode of fee payment:

The fees will be deposited by the candidates through Net banking/ ATM card/ Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Billdesk. Candidates can avail all payment facilities provided Bill Desk. Fee once deposited will neither refundable nor transferable/ adjustable against any other counseling including REAP in future. In case of management quota a demand draft of Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two Hundred Fifty Only) payable in favor of “Convenor REAP-2021” has to be submit in respective institute where candidate seek admission.

C. Procedure of filling application cum registration form:

Candidates have to fill online application cum registration form for seeking admission in B.E./B.Tech or B.Arch. courses through REAP-2021 portal after depositing the requisite fee. The website link will be available on


  • Eligible candidates have to register (and generate login ID/password) (Candidate’s Challan number is the default login ID), pay the application cum registration fee of Rs. 250/- (nonrefundable) online through REAP-2021 web portal and fill the online application form.

  • The candidate must note down the transaction number and keep it safely with him/her. The transaction number is required in case of transaction failure.

  • Generally, it takes about 24 hours to sort out the matters related to transaction failure. REAP-2021 will be able to sort out the matters related to transaction failure only if the amount is deposited /credited to the partner gateway agency.

  • In case of transaction failure applies in the prescribed format and sends the Transaction Failure form to email ID: -


At the time of reporting in the allotted institute, the candidates will have to show all original documents, certificates and receipt of registration cum application form fee along with provisional seat allotment letter generated by REAP-2021 web portal.

  • The candidate is also required to deposit a self-attested copy of all the documents.. The institute admission authority of the allotted/participating institute would thoroughly check the documents and other required certificates. The designated admission authority of the allotted/participating institute would make arrangements for the online reporting of the candidate at the institute. The candidate should ensure that the “check candidate status” on the REAP-2021 web portal (after candidate’s login) is displayed as “Reported”.

  • If the admission is granted, the amount deposited by the candidate at the reporting institute in lieu of the fee would be returned/ refunded back by the institute as per the guidelines of AICTE, New Delhi, if candidate wishes to withdrawn his admission.

Documents to be carried at the time of reporting

Candidates shall carry the following documents at the time of reporting to the allotted institute:

1. Printout of provisional seat allotment letter taken from the REAP-2021 web portal using their login details. Candidate should paste their recent color photographs on the Application cum Registration form with one additional colored photograph with them.

2. Aadhar Card/ Aadhar Acknowledgement, Receipt if available

3. Class X (High School) Board Mark sheet/ Certificate as proof of date of birth.

4. Mark sheet of class 12th Science (for Subjects) or Diploma.

5. Certificate of category (SC / ST/ OBC /MBC/ EWS), issued by the competent authority (if applicable).

6. Undertaking by OBC/MBC in required format (for non-creamy layer), (if applicable).

7. Certificate for Persons with Disabilities (PwD), (if applicable).

8. Certificate for Ex-Service men, (if applicable).

9. Domicile certificate.

10. Income Certificate.

11. Medical Fitness Certificate.

12. Fee to be deposited at the Institute.

12. Candidates need to deposit requisite fee and self-attested copies of all documents to the reporting institute at the time of first reporting in response to first allotment list of the candidates.

  • The candidates are advised not to deposit their original documents at the first reported institute at the time of first reporting.

  • However, all the candidates are required to deposit all their original documents at the last/final reporting institute after the allotment list of “Upward movement” is declared which is Up to 29/09/2021 for B.E. / B.Tech.


  • If a candidate wishes to withdraw his/her admission, the candidate must contact in person to the institute in which he/she has taken admission. The candidate should surrender the provisional seat allotment letter with an application for seeking cancellation on or before 30/09//2021 for B.E. / B.Tech.. The institute has to report the withdrawal of the candidate’s admission online latest by 03/10/2021 for B.E. / B.Tech.. The candidate should ensure that the “check candidate status” on the REAP-2021 web portal (after candidates’ login) is displayed as “Admission withdrawn/cancelled on request of the candidate”.

  • If a candidate withdrawn his/her admission on or before the specified date, he/she will get the refund from the allotted institute only as per AICTE guidelines.


This would be in accordance to the AICTE guidelines in the Annual Process Handbook for the session 2021-22.

  • In the event of a student withdrawing his/her admission before the commencement of teaching, the entire Fee collected from the student, after a deduction of the Processing Fee of not more than Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) shall be refunded by the Institute. It would not be permissible for Institute to retain the School/ Institute Leaving Certificates in original. In case, if a student leaves after joining the Course and if the vacated seat is consequently filled by another student by the last date of admission, the Institute must refund the Fee collected after a deduction of the processing Fee of not more than Rs.1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) and proportionate deductions of monthly Fee and hostel rent, where applicable.

  • The last date for withdrawal of admission in B.E./B.Tech. for the purpose of refund of Fee shall be 31st August 2021.

  • In case the vacated seat is not filled, the Institute should refund the Security Deposit and return the original documents.

The Institute should not demand Fee for the subsequent years from the students cancelling their admission at any point of time. Fee refund along with the return of Certificates should be completed within 7 days. Institute not following guidelines issued by the Council regarding refund of Fee for cancellation of admission or delaying refunds shall be liable to any one or more of the following punitive actions by the AICTE.

a. Fine for Non-Compliance of refund rules of the Fee levied against each case shall be five times the total Fee collected per student

b. Suspension of approval for NRI and supernumerary seats, if any, for one Academic Year

c. Reduction in “Approved Intake”

d. No admission in one/ more Course(s) for one Academic Year

e. Withdrawal of approval for Programme(s)/ Course(s) :Candidate has to appear in person at the institute or apply online through REAP portal for the withdrawal of admission and will take necessary withdrawal slip duly signed and sealed by Principal/nodal officer of the respective institute.

15. INTERNAL SLIDING ( At Institution Level):-

The candidate needs to apply for the Internal Sliding in the allotted institute according to the declared time schedule. The list of the candidates who wish to participate in Internal Sliding would be displayed at respective institute. The Internal Sliding will be carried out by the respective institutes according to REAP-2021 rules for Internal Sliding.


a) The scheme is applicable to all AICTE approved technical institutions offering Bachelor’s program, diploma and Post- diploma programs of three/four year duration. The allotment of seat under Tuition Fee waiver scheme (TFWS) would be made through REAP-2021 only.