Prepare and Present
Book Volumes: 60000 + Book Titles: 5500 + E-Books: 1500+ Computers : 1200+, Auditorium: 1000+ Seater
“A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life.”
The vast reservoir of knowledge at JEC Library is a source of constant value addition for the knowledge seekers. This quiet and well-furnished space is the preferred destination for the faculty and students alike. JEC library has a rich collection of books and journals that serve as the mental stimuli and offers the latest study material on technological upgradations.
It has a collection of:
1. More than 5,500 titles and 60,000 books on Engineering, Science, Management and Humanities.
2.Subscription of online journals namely ASTM (Digital Library), J-GATE, ASME, IEEE, Springer, WILEY, McGraw Hill and Elsevier covering diverse aspects of Engineering.
3.A wide collection of 65 International, 101 National print Journals, CD's, back-volumes, e-books and access to on-line McGraw Hill Books.
4.Text books and study material for students of all semesters under Book Bank scheme.
5. Library access to students after college hours.
Main Objectives of the JEC Library
- To support the Institute in imparting quality education in the field of engineering & technology, Humanities & Social Science, Management and other allied subjects.
- To provide latest research information, electronically to various users community.
- To provide quality service to users, disseminate technical knowledge and offer modern tools for access of information.
- Bring about cooperative working among the libraries & information centre in North West India through sharing of resources.
- To develop inter-institute links within the country to facilitate effective exchange of information resources.
- To form a library consortia for libraries & information centre in North West India.
- To develop a digital library that collects information across the globe through internet for effective dissemination of the same in the North Western Region.
- To integrate with other digital libraries that are set up in various parts of India and abroad world to minimize the recurring cost of journals and other conventional print media.
- Organize conference, lectures, workshops and seminars in the field of interest.
Library Sections: The Library has following sections for smooth functioning of the library
Circulation Section: Circulation Section located on the 4th Floor. The timings of Check-out and check-in of books is from 9.30 AM to 3.00 PM on weekdays.
Book Bank Section: Book-Bank Books are issued to students for the whole semester. The timings of issue and return of books is from 9.30 AM to 5.00 PM. on weekdays.
Reference and Readers' Advisory Service: The Reference Desk is on the Library. This service is available for all.
Acquisition & Technical Section: This section acquires and prepares books and other reading material selected by the faculty members and recommended by the Heads of various Departments. In technical section, the reading materials technically processed and are made available for use on the stacks.
Periodical Section: The Periodical provides current information and also subscribes journals, magazines and newspapers.
Computer Section: This section is the important servers for Koha, Digital Library, E-Learning, BIS, J-Gate & others accessories are kept in this section. This section manages the working process of the entire Computer System of the Library.

Students must get to interact with the outer world. JEC houses a spacious auditorium with good seating and air conditioning.The ideal acoustic environment in JEC auditorium is one where the visual and auditory experiences are captivating, intimate, and efficient. As such our auditorium has witnessed a large number of International and National Conferences, Cultural events and Technical Workshops hosted by Jaipur Engineering College. There are seminar halls for each department as well. Departments use them for Guest Lectures, Inter-Department Events, and Presentations etc. to take students beyond curriculum and keep the spirit of learning alive.