Refuel and Relax
Jaipur Engineering College Hostel
Hostel Capacity for Boys: 700+ Hostel Capacity for Girls: 300+ Student Clubs: 9 Games and Sports Facility: 10+
JEC has separate hostels for boys and girls with a capacity of 700+ for boys and 300+ for Girls respectively. Meals are served every day in hostel messes with a variety of meals to cater to the multi-ethnic tastes of the students and faculties hailing from different regions. Proximity to shopping areas, banking and medical facilities makes living convenient and comfortable for boarding students. A well-equipped gymnasium is accessible too. All hostel activities are carried out under the supervision of Hostel Wardens who are present 24X7 to look after the students, thus making JEC hostels a safe and comfortable zone for living.

After a long hectic day schedule, cafeteria can be the best place to shed all your worries off with a cup of hot coffee. Clean and spacious cafe with a mouth-watering menu is open throughout the day for breakfast, lunch and snacks. It has a seating capacity of around 100 students. The vibrant atmosphere allows students to unwind themselves… they enjoy lighter moments with juniors, seniors as well as peers and build warm, healthy relationships.
Are there any activities for hostellers after regular working hours?
Campus comes to life as the clock turns 5 in the evening. The playing grounds and courts bustle with energetic students, some experienced and some taking to sports for the first time! Sports Officers inculcate right mix of skills, persistence, discipline and regularity in each student. Besides, the Net Lab and Library are abuzz with those who love to explore and read. No one is Lecturer in evening hours at JEC Net Lab / Library, everyone is a Reader!
Healthy Food, Healthy Life: 3 Ways Nutrition Influences Student Learning Potential and Institute Performance:
The Dieticians of health are experimenting with students’ diets regularly and proposing best combinations. It is vouched initially that studies which are focused on benefits of improving the health of students are apparent. Similarly, improved nutrition has the potential to positively influence students’ academic performance and behavior. Though researchers are still working to definitively prove the link, existing data suggests that with better nutrition students are better able to learn, students have fewer absences, and students’ behavior improves, causing fewer disruptions in the classroom. Several dietary components impact on molecular systems or cellular processes that are vital for maintaining cognitive function. In doing so, diet can affect multiple brain processes by regulating neurotransmitter pathways, synaptic transmission, membrane fluidity and signal-transduction pathways
Improve Nutrition to Increase Brain Function !
Several studies show that nutritional status can directly affect mental capacity among Institute-aged children.
- For example, iron deficiency, even in early stages, can decrease dopamine transmission, thus negatively impacting cognition.
- Deficiencies in other vitamins and minerals, specifically thiamine, vitamin E, vitamin B, iodine, and zinc, are shown to inhibit cognitive abilities and mental concentration.
- Additionally, amino acid and carbohydrate supplementation can improve perception, intuition, and reasoning.
- There are also a number of studies showing that improvements in nutrient intake can influence the cognitive ability and intelligence levels of Institute-aged children.
Provide a Balanced Diet for Better Behaviors and Learning Environments !
Good Nutrition helps students show up at Institute prepared to learn. Because improvements in nutrition make students healthier, students are likely to have fewer absences and attend class more frequently.
- Studies show that malnutrition leads to behavior problems and that sugar has a negative impact on child behavior.
- However, these effects can be counteracted when children consume a balanced diet that includes protein, fat, complex carbohydrates, and fiber.
- Thus students will have more time in class, and students will have fewer interruptions in learning over the course of the Institute year.
- Additionally, students’ behavior may improve and cause fewer disruptions in the classroom, creating a better learning environment for each student in the class.
Promote Diet Quality for Positive Institute Outcomes !
Sociologists and economists have looked more closely at the impact of a student’s diet and nutrition on academic and behavioral outcomes.
- Researchers generally find that a higher quality diet is associated with better performance on exams and that programs focused on increasing students’ health also show modest improvements in students’ academic test scores.
- Other studies find that improving the quality of students’ diets leads to students being on task more often, increases math test scores, possibly increases reading test scores, and increases attendance.
- Additionally, eliminating the sale of soft drinks in vending machines in Institutes and replacing them with other drinks had a positive effect on behavioral outcomes such as tardiness and disciplinary referrals.
The final say:
Every student has the potential to do well in Institute. Failing to provide good nutrition puts them at risk for missing out on meeting that potential. However, taking action today to provide healthier choices in Institutes can help to set students up for a successful future full of possibilities. Many low- and middle-income families have made an effort to overcome under nutrition and preserve the full cognitive skills of their members. The transition from under- to over nutrition puts this achievement at risk. Future studies should replicate this analysis in other young populations and further investigate how health-related behaviors influence cognitive and academic outcomes.
Precious Advises: A Complete Diet Plan for Students to Achieve Their Goal
The best way to predict your future is to create it. Find a balance between head and heart. Hopefully you've found that Lake, and you can help sort it out when you get to that point of nutrition.The examination season may be over for now but the academic pressure continues year round. The late night study sessions may have come to an end for the time being but the eating habits you follow during these days have adverse effects on your health. To save time, many students end up feeding upon coffee, tea, pizzas, and burgers.
Your brain requires proper nutrition and energy while you study hard. In such a case, when you don’t eat a healthy diet it has ill effects on your health. Here are few tips which you must follow to have outstanding results on your academics as well as on your health.
Vitamin B and Iron
Make sure your diet includes vitamin B and iron in ample quantity. Foods like pulses, spinach, soybean, wheat, and eggs are high on vitamin B and iron content. It will help you stay re-charged mentally and physically.
Instead of popping pills for vitamins and iron supplements, start eating fruits which are high on nutritional value. For example, instead of eating a vitamin C tablet, you can have an orange. It will not only fulfil your vitamin requirement but at the same time, it is loaded with fibers and many other minerals.
Eat at regular intervals
While you study rigorously for hours, you start feeling low on energy. But if you eat at regular intervals it will help you keep going and eventually will help you quit the habit of eating improper foods
Eat less
You don’t want to fall asleep during your study sessions. So, in order to avoid that situation eat in less quantity. Divide your 3 meals into 6 and in each meal eat less.
Don’t skip breakfast
Breakfast before an examination is a must. Many studies have proven that skipping breakfast makes you lose focus. Students who eat their breakfast have a sharp memory and rarely forget anything. Your breakfast must consist of ample calcium, protein, and fiber. You can have cornflakes with a bowl filled with milk, fresh fruits, or vegetable salad.
Consume antioxidants
For a sharp memory and brain, eat as many antioxidants as possible. You can have bananas, blueberries, or sweet lime to have sufficient antioxidants.
Do not skip vegetables
Never skip eating green vegetables. Prefer dark colored vegetables because of darker the color the higher nutritional value it has. You can add broccoli, spinach, and beetroot to your diet.
Have liquid diet
Drink lots of juices, green tea, and glucose drinks to stay fit all day long. Along with a smart study plan, you should also have a healthy diet plan to touch the heights. Eat healthy during exams and see the difference reflecting on your report cards.