Electronics & Communication Engineering
Highly Experienced Faculty Campus Connect Programs with MNC's Latest Software for Design & Simulation Industrial MOUs for Innovative Training

Best Electronics & Communication Engineering College
In a rapidly evolving technological world, Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) plays an important role in the creation of new ideas, products and solutions. At the Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) Department, we provide a nurturing environment which prepares students for a career in industry, business or research. ECE graduates will have strong foundations in the fundamental concepts and analytical tools of contemporary electrical engineering including electronics circuit design, signal processing, signals, systems and control, microprocessor systems and physics of semiconductor devices. With their solid foundation, they are amongst the most versatile graduates who will be able to take on diverse careers. Students who are keen in research will have opportunities to work in areas as diverse as nanotechnology, biomedical engineering, interactive digital media, games, intelligent systems, energy systems, renewal energies, robotics, communications and integrated circuit design.
The essential subjects of Electronics and Communication Engineering which are taught in JEC usually include:

What do electrical & communication engineers do?
Fresh graduates find openings in the Electronics, Telecommunication and the Computer industry. A large majority of our graduates receive offers for employment at their pre final year of study. Students with a focus to enter higher studies enroll into the PG courses in the same department or join one of the IITs / IISc. Quite a few go overseas for higher studies and pursue research. They may specialize in power systems, electronics, telecommunications, analog and digital signal processing, integrated circuits, microwaves, fiber optics, computers, lasers, microprocessors, radio astronomy, and biomedical engineering.
New Opportunities
With DIGITAL REVOLUTION that has taken the world by storm, B.Tech / M.Tech qualified engineers in the Electronics & Communication Engineering stream have ample and challenging job opportunities in the country and outside. Jaipur city has been rediscovered for its technical prowess and has been chosen to be the hub for the silicon based Ultra Large-Scale Integrated Circuit Chip manufacture. The M.Tech course at Digital Electronics is offered to produce specialists in the communication domain, which is most timely. Job opportunities for Postgraduates have proved to be very exciting and rewarding.
Facilities in ECE Department
ECE department has laboratories in VLSI, Digital Signal Processing, Computer Communication networks and other basic laboratories required for conducting experiments pertaining to RTU syllabus. Students are doing their final year projects at reputed industries such as IBM, ISRO, INTEL, Honeywell etc.
The ECE Department has undertaken keen interest on several research projects of industries, particularly of ISRO under RESPOND program. Several conferences useful for staff members were conducted in the field of VLSI & Embedded systems. This department is in the process of approval by RTU as one of the research centers. Regular interactions are done with faculty from various engineering colleges & professionals from industries. Several staff members have presented their research work both at national & international conferences. ECE department initiated R&D works in relevant areas of electronics, communication and nanotechnology in 2005. As such national and international conferences were organized by the department jointly with other departments in the year 2009, 2010 and 2012. The department has identified emerging research areas focusing on Nano materials, alternative energy sources, signal processing and neural network technologies. The department has already proposed projects in thrust areas to make fundamental contributions in the field of science and technology. A separate lab for R&D has been set up by installing advanced instruments. The management has sanctioned Rs 50 lakhs to augment R&D activities in the department.
Electronics & Communication Engineering Labs
Significant Laboratories that strengthen our Electronics & Communication Engineering department are
COMMUNICATION LABThis lab deals with the study of analog and digital communication systems. Experiments based on amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, double side band modulation, single side band modulation are performed. Various parameters of receiver like sensitivity, selectivity & fidelity are tested. Experiments of PAM, PWM, PPM, PCM, Delta modulation & adaptive delta modulation are performed. Advanced digital common training boards are available for performing experiments based on digital modulation techniques ASK, PSK & FSK and their demodulation using Parity Generator, Error Detection & Correction. |
DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LABExperiments based on the verification of basic and advanced DSP are done in this lab. Advanced DSP starter kits are available for performing the experiments, along with the simulation using MATLAB and its various toolboxes. The following tools like Signal processing toolbox, Communications toolbox, Filter design and analysis tool, Window visualization tool, Filter visualization tool, DSP starter kits- TMS320C713, Code Composer Studio 2.21 are available in this lab: |
PCB LABThe PCB lab has special machines like PCB coating machine, etching machine, and UV light producer, Baking Oven and drilling Facility to produce single side PCBs. Using these machines students can design PCBs for their projects. ![]() |
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CAD LABWith the increasing growth in the field of Electronics & Communications there is a need for computer aided design and simulation of various circuits. In this lab, LTSPICE and QUCS software is available with regular features of the package. |
ANTENNA DESIGN LABThe use of the Numerical Electro magnetics Code (NEC) /HFSS/FEKO software. This software can be used for the analysis and design of antennas and can predict antenna input impedance, patterns, currents, etc. |
MICROPROCESSOR LABThis lab deals with 8085 and 8086 experimental set-up to perform various experiments. The lab offers performing & interfacing facilities to control peripherals like stepper motor, traffic lights controller, temperature controller. ADC & DAC and interfacing cards are provided such as 8251, 8253, 8255, 8257, 8279, 8155, & 61160. The kits and cards available in this lab are: 8085 microprocessor kits and advanced microprocessor kits with LCD display. |
ANALOG ELECTRONICS LABThis lab gives the concepts of basic electronics, solid state devices & circuits and linear IC (OPAMP, 741 & 555) applications. A variety of experiments relating to diode and transistor as an amplifier, Darlington amplifiers, push-pull amplifiers, negative feedback amplifiers and Wein-bridge oscillators are performed. In addition, experiments based on times IC 555, IC 741 such as active filters (low pass, high pass, land pass), instrumentation amplifiers, stable a mono-stable multi-vibrators are performed. |
MICROWAVE LABThis lab deals with measurement on microwave benches of X-band and characteristics of Reflex Klystron Tube and Gunn diode. Experiments based on measurements of frequency and wavelength, VSWR, impedance, radiation pattern insertion loss, directivity, gain and bandwidth of various antennas are performed. In addition to this design experiments based on common hardware design like rectangular and circular waveguides, frequency meters, directional coupler, micro-strip couplers, phase shifters, E, H band attenuators, reflex Klystron tube, Gunn oscillators, isolator, VSWR meters, power supplies, CROs and multimeters are also performed. |
MICRO CONTROLLER LABMicrocontroller is the single chip device containing CPU and other associated circuitry along with memory. The microcontroller lab consists of programming and debugging facility with licensed software along with the tools like Integrated Programming Tool (IPT),Visual program builder (VPB),C-Cross Complier and Debugger, Virtual Code Generator. The facility of transferring the simulated program into 8051 micro controller chip is also available with Embedded Driver Routines along with bread board facility for testing of hardware circuits. Applications specific kits are also available for demonstration and learning purposes. The lab is equipped with ARM, PSoC, ATMega 16, 8051, PIC microcontroller kits for advance users as well as Keil & Proteus platforms. |