Top recruiters in engineering branches at Jaipur Engineering College
By Inesh | Jan 17 2020

When students selected their career filed, every first questions aries in their mind is either we get good job opportunity or not. Engineering is one of the best option for career opportunities. There are so many branch option are available in engineering filed such as Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Computer Science, etc. JEC is the place where you find all these branches under one roof. If we talk about Best Engineering Colleges in Rajasthan for major engineering branches, Jaipur Engineering College is one of them. JEC provide quality education, sport, infrastructure, recruitments, etc at one place. Students must explore their area of interest before selecting any filed because it is the life changing decision of their life. Here we try to explain you about Major Engineering Branch available at Jaipur Engineering College.
Top B.Tech Colleges in Jaipur offering recruiters in major engineering Branches are:
Civil: It is the mother of all engineering departments. Infrastructure is the most important part of development. Good infracture show development and progress. Students who select civil engineering as their career option, they deal with buildings, construction, land, etc. Civil Branch students need to deal with engineering projects such as airport,dam, railway, building, Home constructions. The Job opportunities in civil branch are available in both private and public sector. They can easy apply for government jobs also.
Mechnical: In mechnical field candidates should deal with new machines of advance world. They got placement at railways, metrol, defence forces as per public sctor. For mechinical branch, jobs in private sector are available at heavy engineering companies which deals with heavy machineries. JEC is one of the Best Engineering College in Rajasthan who have mechnical branch.
Electrical: Students of electrical department have number of jobs opportunities at public sector. Government sector may also offer job to the electrical brach students at electricity board, power sector, etc. In private section, they will be appointed at Top Enginering Companies which deals with electricity.
Computer Science: It is one of the demanding branches of engineering sector. Computer science branch aspirants easy got job at private sector. There is alos high demand of computer science students at govenment sector also. They will be placed at railway station, airports, bank, hospital, etc. In private sector Top Software Companies will appoint them in their companies as software engineers. Best Engineering Colleges in Rajasthan which have computer science engineering department.
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