Expert Lecture delivered by Dr. MRR Prasad on 5/9/2019
An expert lecture was organized at Jaipur Engineering College on September 5, 2019 by the department of Applied Science. Dr. MRR Prasad, former scientist of ISRO was the speaker for the lecture. In his talk he shared the advancement done in the field of latest technologies like novamean, auto repair of planes and phones, three D metal printing etc. He also shared information regarding space projects being carried out at ISRO. He told that ISRO is running a program called Respond- Sponsored research so that students of technical institution may work on various projects related to space science.
This lecture was attended by more than 120 students of I year and II year along with faculty members of many departments.
Coordinators of the program were Dr. Naresh Chandnani and Dr. Vandana Jain.
Directors Dr. D.G. Mahto and Dr. Sunita Rawat were also present at this lecture.